
MakerCarve - A Shapeoko 2 Compatible CNC Router/Carving/Engraving Machine

MakerCarve is a Shapeoko 2 compatible machine with some modification listed bellow:

1. Mechanical Kit
A. Tapped SlideSlot aluminium rail extrusions are used instead of MakerSlide
B. All plates are made of aluminium
C. End plates are 5mm in thickness to increase stiffness
D. 2020 aluminium extrusions are 527mm in length

2. Electronic Kit
A. The grblShield is replaced by CNC Shield
B. Belt locking torsion springs are used

3. Software
A. GRBL Controller (G-Code Sender) is preferred to Universal-G-Code-Sender

To enable MakerCarve function well, the Arduino Uno R3 must be uploaded with grbl firmware (hex file) and properly configured. To upload grbl hex file, XLoader is used.
A. GRBL Homepage
B. Quick GRBL (Arduino G-Code Interpreter) Setup Guide For Windows
C. GRBL Configuration Page

To assembly, methods and tools used in Shapeoko Rebuild are recommended.

To engrave or to carve, the free open source F-Engrave is used.


  1. do you have any pictures and what is the cost of such a build

    1. Only the secetion of the aluminium extrusion is different from Shapeoko 2, it looks almost identical as Shapeoko 2. The retail price of mechanical kit at Taipei is 8,000 NTD, about 240 USD.

  2. I just bought one at the computer market in Taipei with stepper motors, Arduino, shield and wires for 12500 NT
