
Burning Arduino Uno Optiboot Bootloader Using Duemilanove Compatible

This is the note recording the procedure I used burning the Optiboot bootloader to ATMEGA328P-PU microcontroller.

Tools used:

1. Duemilanove ( no need for adding a 10uF capacitor between rest and ground) compatible Justduino TTL ( I made a few years ago) with ArduinoISP uploaded (since Justduino TTL been made).
2. AVR ISP Shield (no need for wiring, more productive and error free).
3. Arduino IDE 0.022 and 0.023 (In Arduino IDE 1.0 and above, ArduinoISP sketch need to be modified, compiled and uploaded) .


1. Stack AVR ISP Shield upon Justduino TTL.
2. Power the Justduino TTL by plugging FT232 Cable compatible cable into USB port on computer, the PLS led on the AVR ISP Shield starts breathing:) ( Kit Review - AVR ISP Shield on tronixstuff.com) .
3. Open Arduino IDE 0.022 or 0.023 (I used both without fail).
4. Load ATMEGA328P-PU IC upon 28-pin ZIF socket and pull ZIF lever down.
5. Select the items in the Tools > Serial Port menus that correspond to the board you are using as the programmer.
6. Select the item in the Tools > Board menu that corresponds to the board (Arduino Uno) on which you want to burn the bootloader.
7. Select the w/ Arduino as ISP in the Tools>Burn Bootloader.
8. The PROG led will light on during the burning process, the process takes about one minute.

That's it. Easy!

After inserting the ATMEGA328P-PU upon the socket on the Justduino TTL, the D13 led doesn't blink the same way as the new Arduino Uno dose. I just compile the example blink sketch and upload it in Arduino IDE 1.0.5. Now, the D13 led blinks the same way as the new Arduino Uno does.

I find that I cannot re-burn the bootloader to the ATMEGA328P-PU.

Next Step:

I want to buy some Yamaichi IC51-0324-1498 socket and make some TQFP32 to TQFP28 adapters to stack upon the AVR ISP Shield for burning Optiboot bootloader to ATMEGA328P-AU for use on the coming projects featuring watchdog and software reset.

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