
LGT8F328P LQFP32 - An ATMega328P Arduino Nano V3.0 Compatible Development Board

LGT8F328P contains DAC converter, High current push-pull PWM, PWM dead zone control, Stacking expansion system, Computing Accelerometer (DSC), internal voltage reference should be improved up to 0.5% instead of 1.5%. Maximal clock speed should be up to 32 MHz (16 MHz ATMega328P).

Github of LogicGreen is here https://github.com/LGTMCU/Larduino_HSP

Other informaction and specification you can find on https://www.electrodragon.com/w/Logicgreen
and also on http://www.ocrobot.com/doku.php?id=ocrobot:alpha:8f328p-u:main
